Cultural Paddles. Keepsake Art.
Koa Hoe is a boutique collection of Hawaiian inspired art pieces made out of Koa wood and other exotic woods from the Islands. Make no mistake, these are real paddles you can use in the ocean, but most hang them in their home. Learn about how Kirk’s adventures in the ocean and paddling lead him to the passion of making paddles.
Hoe / ho’eh / noun :
Hoe is the Hawaiian word for paddle.
Each handcrafted paddle tells a unique story that can be a conversational piece in your home or souvenir from your Hawaii vacation. Click to see paddles and learn more about their intentional design.
“I make paddles because I love paddling and the ocean.”
Say aloha to Kirk — owner, paddler, and artisan woodworker.
Give Back
For every paddle sold, 10% is given to the Hawaii Outrigger Canoe Voyaging Society to help perpetuate, educate, and inspire the history of paddling.